How we Work

Affinity Admin provides a tailored service for each and every client, with an approach which is: 

  1. Personal and personable. We like to start by meeting our clients, to understand what drives their business, its ethos and expectations, so we can assist them better. The working relationship that we develop is then guided by our clients’ needs and wishes
  2. Analytical. While we will happily take specific instructions from our clients we will also, after gaining a better understanding of their business, look to recommend areas where our expertise may benefit the organisation
  3. Invested. This review, assess and recommend process does not stop at instruction. It continues throughout our working relationship, offering our clients advice on ways to optimise their working practices and their use of our time, resources and knowledge.
  4. Flexible. We are there for your business, whether you need us for a short-term project to support your in-house team or as a longer term asset to support your business, and we’ll happily adapt to the needs of the organisation. That is, after all, one of the fundamental benefits of outsourcing.

If you would like to find out more about how we work in general, or how we could work with your organisation to save you time and money, then contact us today on 07527 817748 or email on